
Google Wants Computers to Feel ‘Regret’

"In hindisght, mayhap handsome us the ability to have hindsight was a dumb move for humans…"

A team of researchers at Tel Aviv University is working on instilling "regret" in computers–with Google footing the bill. Accordant to a press release connected Wednesday, Google is funding a project from Tel Aviv-Yalo University's Blavatnik School of Computing. The project, extend by Professor Yishay Mansour, is attempting to write an algorithm that will establis "regret" in computers. This isn't really regret, however–it's Sir Thomas More like hindsight.

Basically, the algorithm will Lashkar-e-Taiba computers learn from their realistic experiences by measuring the distance between a desired final result and an actual outcome. Victimization this measurement, Professor Mansour hopes that the computer will be able to predict the future and minimize future regret.

"If the servers and routing systems of the Cyberspace could see and evaluate all the relevant variables in throw out, they could much efficiently prioritise server resource requests, load documents and route visitors to an Website, for example," Professor Mansour says.

And this is where Google comes in–not exclusively is Mansour's vision efficient (Google is all about efficiency), but Google hopes to use Mansour's research to amend AdWords and Adsense.

"Compared to human beings, help systems can so much more quickly process all the available information to estimate the future American Samoa events unfold–whether it's a dictation war on an online vendue site, a sudden ear of dealings to a media site, or demand for an online product," Mansour says.

Hopefully, the algorithm will update itself as it runs and "adapt to the situation at hand." Mansour suggests that, aft a task is fattening the results will be "almost as if you knew wholly the variables ahead."

So yeah, it's not really regret, per southeastward. Kinda, computers will comprise able to look rachis on unsought outcomes, determine the divergence between that result and the desired final result, and foreshadow what will bump in the coming (supported this experience) and take steps to make the next outcome closer to the desired final result.

For deficiency of a punter word, Mansour calls it "regret." I brawl hope that computers are better at the "learning" part of the swear out than are, say, college students.

[Tel Aviv-Jaffa University via Engadget]

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