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A multi-year investigation of Alphabet's Google in the European Spousal relationship has resulted in a record $5 billion (€4.34 billion) fine for the search giant. At issue is the way Google requires device manufacturers to build Android software for phones and other devices in order to become access to the Play Shop. In add-on to the fine, Google has to change its ways in xc days or face boosted fines. Google'due south CEO Sundar Pichai says the company will appeal.

Android is an open source software platform, but it'due south unlikely you accept e'er used a purely open source version of information technology. Device makers package various apps and services on phones, and the EU Commission claims Google unfairly abuses its market potency in Europe to control what apps and services users see.

For instance, all Android phones with the Play Shop are required past Google to also include apps like Chrome and Google Search. The European union says this gives Google an unfair advantage over competitors, which is reminiscent of the Internet Explorer dispute with Microsoft more than a decade ago. There'due south ane notable deviation here: Google doesn't block OEMs from installing alternative apps — they just can't be the default. The European union says that'southward yet illegal, though.

Google has long struggled to accost fragmentation of the Android platform, and one of its methods for doing and so was likewise ruled illegal by the EU. Currently, an OEM that wants to partner with Google and sell certified devices with Google services cannot also get out and sell devices with incompatible Android forks — something congenital from open up source without back up for standard Android software and features. This prevents users from accidentally buying phones that don't work with the Android content they expect, but the EU Commission says it also unfairly benefits Google.

The concluding of three alleged violations by Google relates to payments made to carriers and manufacturers to make Google the exclusive search provider on phones. This is probably the most blatant abuse of Google's marketplace position, just likewise the one least connected to the core Android concern model.

According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Android has vastly increased selection in the smartphone market. He points out that Android competes with iOS, which is a completely airtight platform. Pichai also stresses that Android has become so successful considering of app support, and Google'due south technical compatibility rules have ensured that most devices work with those apps. Google doesn't force any visitor to follow its rules if it wants to fork Android — here, Pichai points to Amazon'southward Fire devices equally proof.

Alphabet's stock toll initially fell more than than a percent following the declaration, but it has since recovered and is now simply slightly lower. Google is appealing the European union conclusion, so this roller coaster is far from over.

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